Baby Elephant Ballet

Currently sprawled on my floor drenched in sweat; thighs, calves and butt destroyed! Give your girl a high five as this baby elephant is committed to her craft!

It’s week two and if last week was comically amusing as I tried to follow instructions in french, move my arms and feet to a rhythm and recall where sixth position was, this week I attempted to improve by smiling my way through gritted teeth and pain.

My left foot is flat so rising up is extremely challenging. I also am a baby elephant so balancing on one dodgy foot is not really fun. My calves are tight from lack of use and my shoulders click when arms are held in fifth. On a positive note my back is straight, head high, tummy tucked in and butt firmly rounded. I still have excellent control of my legs, can grand battement without a wobble and my développé will make your eyes water – so beautiful!

There was a slight change to today’s class from last week. We were asked to spin 180* instead of 360* (I think this is because I can’t get around) it really helped me and I’m sure a few others too. My baby elephant-ness is not an issue for my class. I doubt anyone cares about my size as we were all once lithe little things and now have grown up and out of our strict dance regimes.

Returning to ballet was never going to be easy but I’m here and I attempted all the exercises to the absolute best of my ability. I’ve had a fabulous second week but oh how I ache. It’s now time to crawl into the shower before a lunch of fish on cannellini beans – hello protein!

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