Good News – 42/103

The Archangel Gabriel came to me in a dream sometime around mid morning. He blew a trumpet. The low and steady, calming note engulfed me, until there were only him and I. “Tell the truth, be who you are, follow the numbers” Of course the Archangel had no voice, the sound permeated through his gaze…

No Money Mo’ Problems

The bank froze my credit card. There wasn’t much on it but they took it anyway. They were very helpful. They removed the overdraft charges from my current account and reimbursed me. They gave me thirty days to sort my shit out or they would have to scrutinise me further. A woman in India was…

Fem Feels: positive social change

So I’ve just shared with you my idea for a social enterprise, I pressed publish and off it went. As I re-read for errors I notice a link to a previous post called an arty farty idea, the post is from 2017 when I had similar desires to get my creative talent out ‘there’. At…

WordPress Help

Can anyone help me understand why I follow other blogs but rarely see new posts? I may need to do some site maintenance, it’s been a while ** I’ve noticed that some sites are dumping content and I’m losing the smaller niche blogs I love **

Why Write?

All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither…